SINCE 2015


Belén Santa-Olalla

Is a Senior Creative Consultant at Transmedia Storyteller LTD, London.  A graduate of Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University and holder of a BA in Media Practice and Theory from Sussex University, Brighton, since 2003 she has been working within the field of narrative development as a stage director, lecturer, actress and creativity coach.

Uncategorized · 15 June 2016 · 8:22 am

Immersive storytelling: the future of brand communication

img_bele_santa_eng (1)For any brand, the holy grail is engagement, managing to create an impact with your content, to be followed up with creating an emotion in the audience. We understand engagement as having an audience entirely engrossed in the moment, captivated by the story, completely forgetting the real context, transported to a world different from ours.



This engagement is something that storytelling provokes, because we are social beings who understand and learn about the world around us through stories and legends. The stories capture our attention, because their characters are complex creations, and the tales are full of nooks and crannies among which we allow ourselves to get lost. We either love or despise them, but we always feel some kind of identification with them that allows us to project ourselves into the story.

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Publicado en: Uncategorized

Etiquetado: transmedia Transmedia Storytelling Virtual reality